Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Play at Rio Shanti!

 These two lovely ladies helped local children create a fantastic presentation yesterday. Michelle teaches music at the Friends School and Natalya manages Rio Shanti.
 The play was all about having courage and being brave enough to stand up for what's right. The children were the writers. How cool is that? You could tell the kids were having a blast.
 And the audience loved it too!
 Kids created their own backdrops and had them suspended from bamboo poles across the ceiling.
 I've been to school presentations before where you could tell that some of the boys were not into it. Especially the older boys. Looked like onstage was the last place they wanted to be.
 That wasn't the case here. Choreography included breakdancing and some hiphopping rap and made you want to jump out of your seat and join in!
 Here they are canoeing past the volcano.
 Made it to the pyramid but almost defeated by the bad guy!
 Singing it out! I'm not sure what kind of special powers Michelle has, but the kids singing was awesome! And on key! Which isn't always the case with children's performances!
 The whole cast comes onstage for the final dance.
 Rapping out the final number!
 Performance was given a 4 thumbs up by the directors! At this point Natalya was so excited and moving so quickly that she was just a blur. Thanks ladies and children for a great performance!

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful seeing something that students have created, and especially the joy the have showing it off.
