Sunday, January 6, 2013

Please Do Not Pet the Armadillos

Thanks Bob B for the tip on armadillos carrying leprosy. I'm adding that to my list of things to worry about. Upon further research I discovered that they can also transmit tapeworm, salmonella, and rabies. I'm pretty sure Hector touched that armadillo last night. But this information was coming from a guy that wants to rid your house of armadillos so I'm hoping it's not that bad. But I think it is.

And take a look at this Tale of Terror - When Armadillos Attack. And to think that BigJohn and I went out looking for them last night. What were we thinking?!?

Did you know they have a 4 foot vertical leap? If you're a short person, that is face level! I plan on keeping my distance.

1 comment:

  1. OM Goodness! Now I'm glad the only ones I've seen have been dead as we drive by. And the jumping thing..............I do not do jumping scary animals.......well I don't do scary animals that run faster than me or want to eat me. Dee and I visited an aquarium in Dallas that had an Anaconda. I was so thrilled it was behind glass, that thing followed me all over the room. People were stopping to watch the Anaconda "follow this lady". It thought I looked like lunch!
